In the last couple of days, Telegram has revoked the public addresses of hundreds of public chats without warning their owners.
In the most of the cases, the affected chats where those which had no content, or no content for over a year.
A close source to Telegram reported that this is a common practice, and that it won’t be possible to reoccupy the revoked addresses for a while.
Furthermore, according to the same source, there are plans to reform the public usernames system.
Get your username Back.(6)
- Tg revoking channel Usernames [?]
[1 , 2 ] - You can’t create or re add same username to channel or group or any [?]
- Why and what? (Read this)
- What do you think about this?
Does durov sir stand on it? - New news from @tgbeta and @NekoUpdates -> if you are a premium user your account username is safe.
- How to recover your username back? (Read this) and (this)
- Working Telegraph
Telegram Nxt Update:
Subscribe to TeleGRam premium to create channel (1 channel per user)
💯% wait and watch
This is a fork of some other messages don’t
🙄** me! 🙏
Okay guys, I will tell you how to get your channels back:
- You must remember the username of the channel
- Search for it in global search from many accounts
- Search for it in your main account
- Telegram will give the username back to the channel
NEVER change the username once you get it back. You will never be able to get the original one back if you attempt to do so E.g., @hello gets banned, but you get it back. You change it to @hello1, but now you want @hello back. It will remain banned
The recovered channel will be only accessible via global search, and you can click on it only if you previously searched for it before. E.g. try with @botlist
Your style is so uniգue in comрarіson to other
folҝs I’vе reаd stuff from. I appreciate you for posting
when you have the opportᥙnity, Guess I’ll just bookmark thіs page.